
Archive for the ‘2022 Resolutions’ Category

In the past several years, my partner and I have completely reinvented our traditions–coinciding with our decision to go to a healthy plant-based diet. The diet has worked out great for us, in terms of our health, and it has made us both more sensitized to the plight of the animals and that of the planet.

That it has been such a good move for us has prompted me to consider why it took so long to truly understand cause and effect. I’ve been chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo–for about five years now–a Buddhist mantra that is based on the law of cause and effect.

My success with a vegan/ healthy plant-based diet may be because I finally live the law of cause and effect. I have never been much of a consumer or a traditionalist. But I do enjoy the pause that the holidays bring. This year I found myself wondering what I would like to do differently next year.

Traditionally, I do not have New Year’s resolutions because I do not have any good memories associated with this. But everyone is different–and if the New Year is a new set point for you, go for it!

Finally, I decided that my New Year’s resolution is just to continue doing what I have been doing–writing, learning Greek, sticking to my plant-based diet and exercising (doing yoga and meditation daily and walking several times a week).

Everything is a practice and as a fellow Unitarian Universalist lay minister said “a practice is work. It doesn’t just happen.”

The following short video is how I learned Nam Myoho Renge Kyo:

o learn more about my novel THEY, a biblical tale of secret genders (published by Adelaide Books New York/Lisbon), click here.

To learn more about my recently published novel — The Unicorn, The Mystery, click here:

The Unicorn, The Mystery now available from Adelaide Books — #amreading #FaithfullyLGBT

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