
Archive for the ‘Halloween’ Category

Halloween is that time of the thinning of the veil between us and the other world. It doesn’t have to be spooky, but it often is.

There are spooky things that happen year around. Homophobia and transphobia are spooky. Feeling that you have to live a double life and denying who you are is also spooky.

It can be spooky being queer, such as in the case of the characters (based on real people) who lived in the 1970s in my novel Loving Artemis, an endearing tale of revolution, love, and marriage, published in August 2022 by Thorned Heart Press.

Homophobia and transphobia were also spooky in the Middle Ages in the French countryside that I write about in The Unicorn, The Mystery (from Adelaide Books) and in the desert culture of Biblical Irael and the rest of the Middle East where my novel THEY, a biblical tale of secret genders (also from Adelaide Books).

So, this Halloween, scare the spookiness away and embrace the good spirits from the other side!

Happy Halloween!

For information on my most recently published novel Loving Artemis click here

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