
Archive for the ‘Covoronavirus’ Category

Five things that I am doing while being quarantined:


1. Staying aware — but not too aware. I back away from the news periodically. Recently, I discovered on YouTube a Buddhist teacher (new to me) named Yongey Mingyur Rimpoche — who bases his meditation on awareness.

2. Staying vegan — ironically, perhaps, I feel better than I have in years (perhaps ever). It’s six months since I’ve gone completely vegan. There’s no conclusive proof, of course. But I’ve heard it said that a plant-based diet makes the body more alkaline and less susceptible to harboring a virus.

3. Staying positive — I’ve been watching Deepak Chopra’s talks and meditations (on YouTube) on the pandemic  and find them enormously helpful. I’ve also been listening to the Buddha Medicine Mantra on YouTube.

4. Maintaining my daily writing/revising schedule.  Aside from the fact that this is a necessity for me (like breathing) — it helps me to have something to focus on. This allows me to avoid the free-floating anxiety.

5. Practicing meticulous self care — this includes daily yoga, meditation and walking outside. I am also staying away from all alcohol and other sugar because this has been found to lower the immune system.






To learn more about my plant-based journey and about my new novel:

A UU reflection on pigs, a new novel and becoming a vegan — #NationalPigDay #vegan #amreading

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