
Archive for the ‘Philly Art Room Workshop’ Category

I wanted to let you know about a workshop I’m co-facilitating in the Germantown section of Philadelphia this Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. The other facilitator Zipora Schulz is an art teacher and the workshop will focus on creating yourself through myth using visual arts and writing.  No “experience” is necessary.
This article contains more information.

With They: A Biblical Tale of Secret Genders, author Janet Mason posits that there could have been a hidden tribe of intersex children, kept under the radar by a pair of savvy twin sisters. Matriarchs Tamar and Tabitha can set the record straight on biblical heroes like Joseph and Jesus, along with other miracles of conception and reincarnation they’ve had to keep to themselves. — Windy City Times

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Amazon link https://amzn.to/2UgefCb


THEY a biblical tale of secret genders

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