
Posts Tagged ‘Badass Vegan’

To celebrate being a vegan (I do think it helps to be cooler in the summer and it always helps to feel better!), I’m posting this book review that is on Book Tube. I was excited to hear about this book and I thoroughly enjoyed it! You can view the review below or read it below that. I hope you enjoy it.

Badass Vegan

Fuel Your Body,

Ph*ck The System,

And Live Your Life Right

By John Lewis

When I heard John Lewis (who also goes by BADASS VEGAN, the title of his recent book) say in an interview that all vegans are badasses, I was jazzed. Or maybe I should say I was juiced.

I’ve long been a badass in many ways (it was required to live my life) and I love the idea of being in my sixties and being a badass again. As a lesbian who came out in the bad old days of the early eighties, I consider it a radical act to stay healthy. After I went to a healthy plant-based diet nearly four years ago, I became aware of John Lewis (a.k.a. Badass Vegan) who shares a name with the late Civil Rights leader, and immediately connected to his compelling story and watched the movie that he co-directed titled “They’re Trying To Kill Us,” which tells the story of veganism through a hip hop lens.

Even though I’ve been plant-based for more than a few years (my partner and I have had amazing health results) and this book is written as a how-to guide for people who are new to the lifestyle, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and had a few aha moments (even muttering “Oh my God” a few times).

As a book person, I loved the feel of the big hardback in my hands, the sheen of the glossy pages, and the look of the four-color photographs. But most of all I love the title, BADASS VEGAN, splashed in large and very noticeable letters on the cover.

BADASS VEGAN is a book that will change lives. I was particularly moved by the following passage:

“As I like to think of it: I am the ordinary guy here to tell you that the extraordinary can be done. You can change your life and leave behind heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, digestive issues, joint pain and all the other health issues that bring you down every single day. You can have the body, hair, and skin that you’ve always wanted. And while you’re at it, you can give a big Fuck You to the system that keeps you fat, sick, and tired while draining your bank account and making this planet an increasingly dangerous place to live. If that’s not badass, I don’t know what is.”

BADASS VEGAN by John Lewis from Avery Press (an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC) is a beautiful book and a helluva good read. It reminded me how amazing and radical being a vegan is. This is Janet Mason with reviews for Book Tube.

For more information on my most recent novel Loving Artemisan endearing tale of revolution, love, and marriageclick here:

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